Replica Github style replication for hexo theme.
If you are using Gatsby, kindly check
Because we love octocat! :two_hearts:Click here to view the demo site
Issues & Contributions are welcome! :stuck_out_tongue:
Versionv1.0Github UI before 2017, which uses the grey navbar
v2.0 (in progress) lack of maintenanceGithub UI in 2017, which uses the black navbar
SetupInstall1git clone themes/replica ...
A simple, elegant, book-like hexo theme with some useful features.
⚠ Notice
WARNING: this project is no longer maintained, and may have bugs and security issues. Feel free to fork and modify it yourself if you like it. To find the same theme maintained by other developers, check out Useful Forks.
💿 Installation1git clone themes/book
If you don’t have scss renderer, follow this:
1npm install hexo-renderer-scss --save
Modify theme entry in _c ...
一款为 Hexo 设计的简约主题。
English | 简体中文
本主题移植自 imhanjie/gridea-theme-pure ,已经过原作者同意。
Hexo 主题单元测试 - Pure
安装通过 GitHub 安装您需要先切换到站点所在目录,然后才能进行以下操作。
12npm install hexo-renderer-ejs hexo-renderer-less --savegit clone themes/pure
通过 NPM 安装12npm install hexo-theme-pure# 或者使用 yarn:yarn add hexo-theme-pure
avatar:网站页眉处显示的 Logo 。(字符串,默认:/favicon.png)
katex:是否加载 KaTeX 的 CSS 文件. (布尔值,默认 ...
cp -rf ./themes/anzhiyu/_config.yml ./_config.anzhiyu.ymlcp -rf ./themes/book/_config.yml ./ -rf ./themes/pure/_config.yml ./_config.pure.ymlcp -rf ./themes/replica/_config.yml ./_config.replica.ymlcp -rf ./themes/next/_config.yml ./
🇨🇳 中文简体 | 🇬🇧 English
预览: 👍 AnZhiYu || 🤞 AnZhiYu
文档: 📖 anzhiyu Docs
💻 安裝Git 安裝在博客根目录里安装最新版【推荐】
1git clone -b main themes/anzhiyu
⚙ 应用主题修改 hexo 配置文件_config.yml,把主题改为anzhiyu
1theme: anzhiyu
如果你没有 pug 以及 stylus 的渲染器,请下载安装: npm install hexo-renderer-pug hexo-renderer-stylus --save
覆盖配置覆盖配置可以使主题配置放置在 anzhiyu 目录之外,避免在更新主题时丢失自定义的配置。
通过 Npm 安装主题的用户可 ...
Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in troubleshooting or you can ask me on GitHub.
Quick StartCreate a new post1$ hexo new "My New Post"
More info: Writing
Run server1$ hexo server
More info: Server
Generate static files1$ hexo generate
More info: Generating
Deploy to remote sites1$ hexo deploy
More info: Deployment